Thursday, March 24, 2005


suddenly feel the mood not so good...
not bcozs y... jus bcozs tat recently got few bad news..
heard my frens broke up... some broke up with their bf, some with their gf..

this let me feel tat love reli unpredictable same as life..
no matter how many effort u put in... many at this moment.. u love each other... but how about the next moment?
y everything must b so complicated?
y human being must b so complicated?

but no matter how, i trust tat ... if u treat each others well n appreciate each others...
when the moment u together with him/her... that's enough..
czos is hard for us to predict the next moment...
jus enjoy the life u have now...
y must always worry?

dun let urself live at yesterday,
dun let urself live at tomorrow,
jus let urself live at today!!!

Saturday, March 19, 2005


recently the weather at here is not so good...
open up the newspaper wil read a lot of news regarding the "kebakaran"..

the hot temperature... make me fallen in sick...

mm.. suffer wit sore throat m coughin...
dunno can say sick is good or bad o...
cozs sick.. i suffer
but cozs sick.. i know tat someone reli care of me... heheee..

hahaa.... this sick o...
com in the right time???

Thursday, March 10, 2005

too soft??? feel a little bit upset n disappointed...

the story started with,
long long ago...
i borrowed a fren money...
after sometimes i wish to get it back when i short of money.. but the fren always said tat she dun hav money... n she looks like i jus postpone n postpone it...

but today...
i jus found out tat, she said no money n act like very pity..
is use to cheatin me...
so sad...when u treat someone sincerely but at the end..she is cheating u..
how ur feel?
i'm sad not bcozs the money is bcozs bein cheated...

human is the most complicated animal in this world...
when the age becom older n older.. when we c more n more...
everythin wil bcom more complicated...
y we cant live simply/>???

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

i lost my way...




有时候我会想, 人为什么而活? 最近的我, 迷失在谜懵的世界里了。。。


wah... really had a long time didn't post anything on this blog...

how's the life going on?
mm...for me as usual... everyday jus on time to be at office... from 9am sit on my place til 5.30pm then go back hom....
this is my life for internship...

i'm stil have 2months need to going on for my intern....
when i just starting my industrial training ... i felt nervous and excited...
but after 2months i start missing my UNI life...hahaaa....

but from this intership, i gained some knowledge and experience that we cant get it from textboks and lecturers....
honestly said... mm... UTAR is quite good cozs provide the opportunity for students to go out and join the society for gaining the real working experiences....

what's so called "FRIENDS"

Keep my sincere friend In Touch

我要謝謝你 讓我不孤單我要謝謝你 讓我的信箱有信可以收
我要謝謝你 讓我無聊寂寞時有人可以说说話
我要謝謝你 讓我心情激動難過時有人安慰我
我要謝謝你 讓我有好東西有人可以分享
我要謝謝你 一路走來有你們真好 希望以後我們能再繼續走下去好吗

曾和朋友很好很好過 當你忙於自己的事情而疏於連絡時
從此只是點頭之交 曾經的秘密也都蒸發於空氣中
少了個知心朋友的感覺 真的很爛
朋友有很多種酒肉朋友 點頭朋友 打混朋友那種朋友數量多少無所謂
但是.... 好朋友在精不在多
而好朋友在於你可以说任何事 可以一而再再而三地说著相同架構的故事;
但是他總是很耐心地聽你说 最後才慢慢道出
加油 加油 最愛你的人一定還在等待你在愛情中成長
而真正的好朋友 是在你高興時泼點冷水給你
告訴你 不要太過得意

你和好朋友都聊些什麼 談心 還是 说笑 還是儘说些無聊的話
或許在談些人生大道理 對人生的看法 對生活的態度 ....

不過 能找到一個能聊的人 真的很難很難
要在一個別人的面前 將自己的心思坦白 很難很難
誤會是人際關係的殺手 不溝通不協調 更是友誼的迷魂藥
如果心裡有了怪怪的感覺 希望你們能彼此溝通清楚
因為 一個好朋友的結局是靠天時地利人和
得來不易不過對方如果真的是個痞子那還是算了吧 ....

最爛的一個看法 ....